64 Gaudiya Matha
Established by Srila Prabhupada

Tetiya Kunja kanana (Krishnanagar)
This place is near the present Krishnanagar bus stand. Although the place was undertaken by Gaudiya Math, no temple was built there. The place is known as Tetiya Kunja kanana. Srila Prabhupada visited the place sometimes.
Ekayana Matha (Krishnagar, Haskhali)
This place is situated at Govindapur village, Haskhali, Krishnanagar, Nadia district. This is the very place of Srila Prabhupada’s nirjana bhajana (solitary place for bhajana). There was an indigo factory of British Government. Later, when it was handed over to Srila Prabhupada, he established Ekayana Matha on 17th Chaitra 1335 Bengal era, 31st March 1929 AD.
Srila Prabhupada installed only a deity of Sri Gaurasundara in this Math.
Amarshi Gaudiya Math (East Midnapore)
In 1933 AD Srila Prabhupada established Sri Amarshi Gaudiya Math at Amarshi in Patashpur district of East Midnapore district. Here Srila Prabhupada installed the deities of Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Gandharvika Giridhari Sri Radhabinoda Vihari Jiu, Shadabhuja (six handed) Mahaprabhu and Jagannath Deva.
Brahmanpara Prapannashrama (Howrah)
On 24th Chaitra 1335 Bengali era i.e. Sunday 7th April 1929 AD, Srila Prabhupada payed his auspicious visit at Brahmanpara Prapannashram under Howrah district. An six handed deity of Sriman Mahaprabhu was regularly worshipped from earlier. On the fervent prayers of Srila Prabhupada’s devoted disciple Sripada Gaurgovinda Vidyabhushana, this ancient sripata was undertaken by Gaudiya Math. Since then this temple was recognized as a branch of Sri Caitanya Math.
Ranaghat Gaudiya Mathasana (Ranaghat)
Srila Prabhupada opened the Ranaghat Gaudiya Mathasana at Ranaghat.
Pura Gaudiya Math (Pura, 24 Parganas)
Srila Prabhupada established the Pura Gaudiya Math at Pura in the 24 Parganas district.
Srila Mahesh Pandit’s Sripat (Chakdaha)
Srila Mahesh Pandit’s ancient sripata is situated at Chakdaha. The authority intended to hand it over to Sri Gaudiya Math. As per instruction of Srila Prabhupada this Sripata was undertaken on Gaura Trayodasi day, 13th Asada 1338 Bengali era.
Mahesh Pandit was an associate of Sriman Mahaprabhu aka Sri Nityananda Prabhu. He is Udara Gopala, one of the 12 cowherd friends in Vraja lila. This connection is described in Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita—
“Mahesh Pandita Vrajera Udara Gopala.
dhakka vadye nritya kare preme matoyala”
The temple has the deities of Sri Revati and Valadeva, personally served by Mahesha Pandita, Nityananda Prabhu, Mahaprabhu and Radha Krishna.
Sri Amlajora Prapannashrama (Amlajora, Bardhama District)
Amlajora village is located near Rajbandh station of East India Railway in Bardhaman district. On March 9, 1892, the foundation stone of Amlajora Prapannashram Math was laid by the hands of Sacchidananda Srila Bhaktivanod Tagore under the leadership of Srila Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaj, Nityalila Pravistha and Vishnupada Paramahamsa Vaishnava Sarbva Bhau Rabbama.
Bengali 22nd Agrahayana, 1334 Bangabd, 7th December 1927 AD Jagadguru Srila Prabhupada Sri Sriguru Gauranga Gandharvika Giridha Ri Sriradha Vinodakish Jyu Srivigraha was revealed.
Sri Bhagavata janananda Math (Chirulia, Kanthi, Medinipur)
Sri Bhavani Charan Mahashay was a zamindar (landlord) of Medinipur District. He took initiation from Srila Prabhupada who gave him the name “Sri Bhagavata Janananda Dasadhikari”. He passed away during Sri Dham Navadvipa Parikrama. On Friday, 2nd April 1926, Srila Prabhupada went to Chirulia, Kanthi sub-division of Medinipur district. He arranged a massive nagar sankirtan procession in memory of Sri Bhagavatajanananda Prabhu. He also organised a Dharma sabha (spiritual meeting). Next day o 3rd April at Chirulya Basudebpur, Prabhupada established Sri Bhagavatajanananda Math in memory of Sri Bhagavata Janananda Prabhu.
The name of the deities are Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Radha Vinodanatha Jiu.
Darjeeling Gaudiya Math (Darjeeling)
This Matha was established on Sunday,19th July 1936, in the presence of Srila Prabhupada. The presiding deities of this matha are: Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Gandharvika Giridhari Jiu. Srila Prabhupada’s intimate disciple Srimad Bhakti Rakshaka Sridhara Deva Goswami performed the yajna. Srimad Bhakti Bhudeva Shrauti Maharaja and Shripada Pyari Mohana Brahmachari decorated the alter and offered shringara to the deities. Chidananda Brahmachari performed the archana. Many people were present in the monastery that day. Srila Prabhupada delivered his Harikatha for their spiritual upliftment.
Shri Madhva Gaudiya Matha (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
On October 9, 1921, Srila Prabhupada paid his auspicious visit to Dhaka. In an empty house at No. 8 Kather Pool Lane, Dhaka, he established Sri Madhva Gaudiya Math on Monday, October 31, 1921. It was the day of Sri Govardhana Puja and Annakuta festival. The presiding deities are Sri Guru Gauranga Radha Vinoda kanta Jiu. Later on February 1, 1934, he collected 2 bighas of land on Narinda Road, Dhaka. There he laid the foundation stone for the new temple on Monday, April 8, 1935.
On 18th Falguna 1334 Bengal era, 2nd March 1937 AD, om Srila Prabhupada’s sixty-second appearance anniversary, Sri Sri Guru Gauranga-Vinodakantajiu (installed earlier in the hands of Srila Prabhupada) entered into the new temple.
Shri Gadai Gauranga Math (Baliyati, Bangladesh)
On 27th Jyeshtha 1343 Bengali era, 10th June 1936 AD, Srila Prabhupada inaugurated the newly built temple at Baliyati, East Bengal. It was the day of divine appearance of Vakreswara Pandita. The temple was made of white marble with the lofty pinaccle. In this temple he installed the deities of Gadai Gauranga and Radha Govinda.
Sri Jagannath Gaudiya Math (Mymensingh, Bangladesh)
Ok 29th Chaitra 1341 Bengali era, 12th April 1935 A.D. Srila Prabhupada arrived at Mymensingh Station from Dhaka. It was Friday and the day of Sri Rama Navami Tithi. Then he arrived at the newly constructed Jagannath Gaudiya Math, followed by a massive sankirtan procession. He inaugurated the temple by opening the door. The presiding deities are Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Gandharbika Giridhari Sri Sri Vinod Vallabh founded the Jiu Sri Vigraha.
Shri Gopalji Matha (Kamalapur, Dhaka)
Srila Prabhupada established Gopalji Math at Kamalapur, Dhaka.
Shri Mathura Gaudiya Mathalaya (Mathura)
Srila Prabhupada established Shri Mathura Gaudiya Mathalaya in a rented house near Vishrama Ghata. His intention was to open branches of Gaudiya Matha throughout the Vraja Mandala. He established this matha to execute his desire.
Sri Kunjabihari Matha (Sri Radha Kunda)
On 4th November 1935 AD, Srila Prabhupada established Sri Kunjabihari Math at Sri Radha Kunda. The presiding deities of this matha are Sriman Mahaprabhu and Sri Sri Radha Kunjabihari. In this temple premises Srila Prabhupada established the pushpa samadhi temple of his own spiritual master Srila Gaura Kishora Dasa Babaji Maharaj. This Matha is one of the most important parts of Vraja Dhama Pracarini Sabha.