Significance of Gaudiya Math’s Logo
from Srila Prabhupada’s Viewpoint
Pictures in the Gaudiya Math logo:
From the top clockwise:
- Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
- Book Bhagavatam.
- Radha-Krishna
- Printing Press & Mridangam.
- Vaishnava Tilak.
- Bell & Diya (lamp) for worship.
- Laxmi-Narayan.
- Book Pancharatra (worship regulations).
- Star Symbol “Omm” in between.
Sanskrit inside the logo
From the center clockwise:
- Oṁ Nāma (ॐ नाम)
- Śrī (श्री)
- Jṅyānam (ज्ञानम्)
- Vairāgyaṁ (वैराग्यम् )
- Aiśwaryaḥ (ऐश्वर्यः)
- Vīryaḥ (वीर्यः)
- Yaśaḥ (यशः)
- Bhāgavataṁ (भागवतम्)
- Rāgaḥ (रागः)
- Kīrtanaṁ (कीर्तनम्)
- Guruḥ Gauḍīyaḥ (गुरुः गौड़ीयः)
- Archanaṁ (अर्चनम्)
- Vidhiḥ (विधिः)
- Paṅcharātra (पंचरात्रम्)
Gaudiya Math‘s Logo is designed by Srila Prabhupada Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur himself. The unique logo of Gaudiya Math expresses its distinctive identity. It conveys the special features of the Gaudiya Math. There are two paths in Bhakti: ‘Bhagavata Marga’ which emphasizes Shravan (hearing) and kirtana (discussion, chanting, etc) and then spontaneously evolves into Rāga bhakti. Another one is panca-ratra marga which is a path of regulative worship by following the panca-ratra scriptures. The Gaudiya Math subscribes to both by practicing, preaching, and harmonizing them. The logo is a representation of it.
- Image of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in Gaudiya Math Logo:
The standing image of Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu at the top of the logo signifies that the Gaudiya Math is established based on the teachings of Mahaprabhu. The teachings of Shiksastakam composed by Mahaprabhu Himself also known as “param vijayate Sri Krsna sankirtanam”, is the fundamental idea of the Gaudiya Math. - Image of Srimad Bhagavatam (Book) in Gaudiya Math Logo.
To the left of Mahaprabhu, there is the image of the Srimad Bhagavatam. This is the sole pramāna (evidence of knowledge) of the Gaudiya Math. This is attainable by those who are on the path of rāga marga and ultimately devoid of all kinds of envy. In the Srimad Bhagavatam, the emphasis is on kirtana. It sings the glory of Bhagavan, bhakti and bhaktas. All the texts in the Gaudiya Vaishnava denomination are the expansion of the Srimad Bhagavatam. All kinds of philosophical conclusions are united within this scripture.
- Image of Sri Radha & Krishna in Gaudiya Math Logo:
It indicates that Sri Gandharvika Giridhari Ji (the conjugal form of Sri Radha & Krishna) are the only ones worthy of worship in the Gaudiya Math. The word “ragah” is written next to it. It signifies that the Gaudiya Math practices and preaches the raga marga behind its outer layer of arcana or vidhi marga. Because Sri Radha-Krishna cannot be worshipped through vidhi marga. The worship of Radha-Krishna is the object of untarnished raga. This is the ultimate conclusion of the Gaudiya Math. This prema is the absolute purpose of the jivas. It is attainable only through raga marga.
- Image of Printing Press & Mridamgam in Gaudiya Math Logo:
Below Sri Radha & Krishna, there is a “printing press”. Srila Prabhupada called it “brihad mridanga” or the great drum. Next to it a “mridanga” is there. It is a musical instrument played during Kirtana. And just above it the word “Kirtanam” is written. This segment represents Kirtana and the publication of books related to Krishna. The printing press is compared to the mridanga. Because it generates the sound of kirtana by publishing books. This sound spreads throughout the entire world. From this aspect, the printing press is no different from a mridanga. Both are glorifying Krishna and His holy names. This method of nama sankirtan is a major part of raganuga bhajan. Also in this age of kaliyuga, the sole means to attain Bhagavan is to chant the names of Krishna. This is the teaching of Mahaprabhu. This section indicates that the Gaudiya Math is devoted to executing the teachings of Mahaprabhu.
- Image of Pancharatra Book in Gaudiya Math Logo:
“Pancharatra scripture” is seen on the right side of Mahaprabhu. Because all the regulative principles of vidhi marga are found in the Pancharatra Shastra. Archana (worship), fire sacrifices, and other activities are described in these scriptures. It is never possible to enter into i.e. raga marga without following the regulative principles prescribed by the shruti, smriti, pancharatra sastras. Therefore, Srila Prabhupada has advised us to practice this vidhi marga and gradually enter into the raga marga i.e. exclusively taking shelter of the holy names.
- Image of Lakshmi Narayan in Gaudiya Math Logo:
Lakshmi-Narayana resides just below the Pancharatra Shastra. It signifies that Lakshmi-Narayana is worshipable in Vidhi Marga. The “vidhi” is written next to it. It indicates that although the Gaudiya Math preaches the “raga marga”, it appreciates vidhi marga also. Because except vidhi marga, there is no other way for a conditioned soul to be eligible for the loving service of Radha-Krishna: “vidhi marga rata jane svadhinata ratna dane raga marge karana pravesa”– the path of vidhi marga makes its practitioners eligible for the raga marga.
- Image of Pancha Pradeep, Bells in Gaudiya Math Logo:
The section just below Lakshmi Narayana has images of panca-pradipa and bells. The word “arcana” is written in the middle. It refers to deity worship. All these symbols represent vidhi marga. Because “arcana” is an integral part of deity worship in vidhi marga. Only when a living being dedicates all the senses to the service of the deity, does his senses get purified gradually. Only then does one develop eligibility in the spontaneous loving service of the Godhead. When the mind gets highly attached to raga marga, the living entity becomes fixed in sravana-kirtana. This is the ultimate prayojana (purpose) of jivas.
- Image of a Star Symbol in Gaudiya Math Logo:
The star at the center is made up of six triangles. The words mentioned within each triangle express the six important attributes of the supreme personality of the Godhead. From the top right side, they are yasa, Sri, jnana, vairagya, aisvarya, and virya. They indicate fame, beauty, knowledge, renunciation, opulances and power respectively. “Om” is written in the center of the star. Vaishnavas interpret it as the combined form of the absolute truth and His internal energy: “akare nocyate krishnah sarva lokaika nayaka/ ukare nocyate radha makaro jiva vacakah.” (CC, anu-bhasya, Adi 7.128). It means that this “om” is the form of Sri Radha and Krishna. The shastras have numerous meanings of “om” such as:
“Om” is the unmanifested form of the Vedas. The entire universe is created from “Om”.
“Om” i.e. “pranava is the sound incarnation”, the impersonal form of the Supreme Absolute. The word “nama ” represents Lord Krishna’s name, which is non-different from Krishna’s transcendental form and six opulence. To chant the holy names is the topmost method of sadhana. This is the ultimate sadhya (accomplishment) also for the living being. Therefore, it belongs to the center of everything.
- Image of Tilak in Gaudiya Math Logo:
At the bottom, there is the urdhva pundra tilaka. All the devotees irrespective of raganuga and vaidha apply the tilaka. At the bottom of this the words “guru” and “gaudiya” are seen. They represent the Gaudiya preceptors or the Rupanuga Vaishnavas. All of them combined both vidhi marga and raga marga. They accepted the non-difference between the holy names and the names, i.e. Krishna, and took the shelter of the holy names exclusively.
Discussion between a material pandit & Srila Prabhupada, on Gaudiya Math Logo:-
A materialistic scholar at Srila Prabhupada’s time asked Srila Prabhupada about the symbols present in the logo of the Gaudiya Math. He asked, “The objects drawn in the logo are all Indian traditionally, except the printing press. Why did you put this foreign object here?”
Srila Prabhupada replied, “Whatever is used in Mahaprabhu’s kirtana, whether it be Indian or foreign, is transcendental. As the panca-pradipa and other paraphernalia used in arati or the mridanga and cymbals are sacred, so is the printing press. Because all of them are dedicated to Krishna’s service.