Chanting the Holy Name without Offenses
Chanting the Holy Name without Offenses “Please enhance our delight by regularly chanting the Holy
Chanting the Holy Name without Offenses “Please enhance our delight by regularly chanting the Holy
Glorification of Lord Sri Hari is the Root of Everything “Please serve Sri Harinama with
Bhagavad Pariksha (Tests by the Supreme Lord) “Sri Gaurasundara tests us in various ways, by
Chanting the Holy Name in the association of Sadhus (the saintly personalities) “Please refrain from
Gaya-Sraddha, the ritual of offering oblations to the forefathers at Gaya, & Hari-Seva, service to
The miserable condition of an offender and the nature of Sadhu, a saintly person “Please
Ways of attaining liberation from the material world “Please always chant Harinama with the utmost
Mixed five-fold worship & Pure devotional service “Those, who worship five types of demigods as
The duty of an ideal Householder “Every devotee should at least try to get darshan
Pativrata, purity, and Nirgunata, that which is without material attributes “If one offers impure things
Chanting the Holy Name of Krishna is in itself bhakti, devotional service “Bhakti is nothing
Advice to the Nama-bhajan-Kari, a worshiper of Holy Name, & Archaka, a worshiper of the
Assessment of Chitta-Vikshep, distractions of the Mind & Seva-Aparadhas, offenses in the course of serving
Realization of the Truth of Gaura & Krishna by the impact of chanting the Holy
Ways to get rid of Anarthas, unfavorable, unwanted habits “If one has a strong desire
Sri Gaurasundar & Sri Krishnasundar “The mercy of Gaurasundara is unlimited & the sweetness of